May 27, 2008 - Old    Comments Off on How to convert a TiVo recording for use on an iPod

How to convert a TiVo recording for use on an iPod

There are 2 methods which can be used to convert a TiVo recording. Method 1 is easiest, since all of the video conversion is done in one step. However, it’s not always the most reliable. Method 2 is much slower, but can result in more reliable results.

[b:ed4efcou]Method 1 [/b:ed4efcou](easier)
[*:ed4efcou]Run the [b:ed4efcou]tySuiteJ.jar [/b:ed4efcou]file or shortcut (be sure to run it from the mapped drive path C:\Shared\Tivo\TySuiteJ\v2.6 rather than a UNC path) to convert the TiVo recording to an MP4 file. Do this by selecting the desired recording and clicking the [b:ed4efcou]iPod [/b:ed4efcou]button. This will save the converted file to the C:\Shared\iPod directory as a [b:ed4efcou].mp4 [/b:ed4efcou]file.
[i:ed4efcou]Prerequisite: Java Runtime Environment 5.0 Update 14.[/i:ed4efcou] [/*:m:ed4efcou]
[*:ed4efcou]Go to bed- this takes a while (but it’s faster than Method 2). [/*:m:ed4efcou]
[*:ed4efcou]Drag or add this converted .mp4 file into the iTunes Library. Enjoy![/*:m:ed4efcou][/list:o:ed4efcou]

[b:ed4efcou]Method 2 [/b:ed4efcou](more reliable)
[*:ed4efcou]Run the [b:ed4efcou]tySuiteJ.jar [/b:ed4efcou]file or shortcut (be sure to run it from the mapped drive path C:\Shared\Tivo\TySuiteJ\v2.6 rather than a UNC path) to convert the TiVo recording to an MPEG file. Do this by selecting the desired recording and clicking the [b:ed4efcou]MPG [/b:ed4efcou]button. This will save the converted file to the C:\Shared\iPod directory as a [b:ed4efcou].mpg [/b:ed4efcou]file.
[i:ed4efcou]Prerequisite: Java Runtime Environment 5.0 Update 14.[/i:ed4efcou] [/*:m:ed4efcou]
[*:ed4efcou]Use the [b:ed4efcou]Videora iPod nano Converter [/b:ed4efcou]program (installed on local computer) to convert this video .mpg file to an iPod Nano format video file (.mp4). This will save the file to the converted output file to the C:\Shared\iPod directory. [/*:m:ed4efcou]
[*:ed4efcou]Go to bed- this takes a LONG time! [/*:m:ed4efcou]
[*:ed4efcou]Drag or add this converted .mp4 file into the iTunes Library. Enjoy![/*:m:ed4efcou][/list:o:ed4efcou]

The video conversion for both methods is done with [b:ed4efcou]ffmpeg. [/b:ed4efcou]However, they use different versions of this program. The version of ffmepeg I’m using with TySuiteJ is an older version, which replaced the version that came wih the original download of the TySuiteJ package. This older version corrects the choppy audio results when using Method 1 (above). The Videora program also uses ffmpeg, but the newer version of the program doesn’t have the audio issues when used with Videora.

For Method 1, the settings for the ffmpeg conversion are configured in the [b:ed4efcou][/b:ed4efcou] file. There is a transcoder profile setup for the iPod. This is what that profile looks like:

Transcoder.profile.ipodMobile=iPod,ffmpeg,mp4,-deinterlace -y -i – -vcodec libxvid -s 320×240 -r 30000/1001 -bufsize 524288 -qscale 1 -acodec libfaac -ab 96k -ac 2 -async 1 -title “{Title}” “{OutputFile}”[/code:ed4efcou]

Documentation about the ffmpeg settings you can configure can be found here:

For Method 2, all of the conversion settings are handled by the Videora program using nice GUI menus!

[b:ed4efcou]TySuiteJ setup notes[/b:ed4efcou]
There are 3 files ([b:ed4efcou]NowShowing[/b:ed4efcou], [b:ed4efcou]mfs_uberexport[/b:ed4efcou], and [b:ed4efcou]dserver.tcl[/b:ed4efcou]) in the download which were loaded onto the TiVo (FTP via Binary file transfer). They were copied to the [b:ed4efcou]/bin [/b:ed4efcou]directory on the TiVo, which is a directory in TiVo’s path.