Jul 10, 2012 - Wordpress    Comments Off on PressWork: Show featured posts with full text

PressWork: Show featured posts with full text

From http://support.presswork.me/discussion/560/show-full-content-of-all-posts-on-homepage/p1

Using the PressWork theme, it’s possible to show the featured posts on the home page with the full text, rather than have them be automatically cut off.

Here’s how:

  • Create a new file called custom-actions.php
  • In this file, paste the following code:
function custom_pw_posts_featured() {
    echo pw_function_handle(__FUNCTION__);
    global $pw;
    $rightcon = '';
    $bool = true;
    if(function_exists('has_post_thumbnail') && has_post_thumbnail() && (function_exists('has_post_format') && !has_post_format('gallery') && !has_post_format('video') && !has_post_format('image'))) { 
        echo '<a href="'.get_permalink().'">';
        if($pw==1) { $thumb = 'sticky'; $class = 'alignnone'; } else { $thumb = 'thumbnail'; $class = 'alignleft'; }
        the_post_thumbnail($thumb, array('class'=>$class));
        echo '</a>';
        $rightcon = '';
    } else {
        if(has_post_format("image")) $bool = false;
    <div<?php echo $rightcon; ?>>
        <?php pw_post_header(); ?>
        <?php custom_pw_post_content($bool); ?>
remove_action('pw_index_sticky_post_middle', 'pw_posts_featured');
remove_action('pw_index_featured_post_middle', 'pw_posts_featured');
add_action('pw_index_sticky_post_middle', 'custom_pw_posts_featured');
add_action('pw_index_featured_post_middle', 'custom_pw_posts_featured');

function custom_pw_post_content($ignore_image = false, $excerpt_length = 55, $hide_readmore = false, $display_excerpt = false) {
    echo pw_function_handle(__FUNCTION__);
        if(function_exists('has_post_format') && !is_singular()) {
            $format = get_post_format();
            if(empty($format) || has_post_format('image')) {
                if(has_post_format('image')) $size = 'full'; elseif(empty($ignore_image)) $size = 'small'; else $size = 'thumbnail';
                if(function_exists('has_post_thumbnail') && has_post_thumbnail()) {
                    if(empty($ignore_image) || has_post_format('image')) {
                        echo '<a href="'.get_permalink().'">';
                        the_post_thumbnail($size, array( 'class' => 'alignleft' ));
                        echo '</a>';
                } else {
                if(empty($format)) {
                    the_content('Read more &rarr;');
            } elseif(has_post_format('gallery')) { // new gallery post format
                global $post;
                $images = get_children( array( 'post_parent' => $post->ID, 'post_type' => 'attachment', 'post_mime_type' => 'image', 'orderby' => 'menu_order', 'order' => 'ASC', 'numberposts' => 999 ) );
                if ( $images ) :
                    $total_images = count( $images );
                    $image = array_shift( $images );
                    $image_img_tag = wp_get_attachment_image( $image->ID, 'full' );
                <a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>"><?php echo $image_img_tag; ?></a>
                <p><em><?php printf( _n( 'This gallery contains <a %1$s>%2$s photo &rarr;</a>', 'This gallery contains <a %1$s>%2$s photos &rarr;</a>', $total_images, "presswork" ), 'href="' . get_permalink() . '" title="' . sprintf( esc_attr__( 'Permalink to %s', "presswork" ), the_title_attribute( 'echo=0' ) ) . '" rel="bookmark"',
                        number_format_i18n( $total_images )
                    ); ?></em>
                <?php endif; ?>
            } else {
                // new aside || link || audio || video || image post format
                   echo '<div>';
                echo '</div>';
remove_action('pw_index_post_middle', 'pw_post_content', 11);
add_action('pw_index_post_middle', 'custom_pw_post_content', 11);
  • Upload the file to the /wp-content/uploads directory

Now all home page posts should appear with full text