May 27, 2010 - General Web Development    Comments Off on PayPal AVS and CVV Checking and codes

PayPal AVS and CVV Checking and codes

Check these codes and make a decision accordingly whether or not to ship the order.

AVS code – the first letter preceding the dash in the auth code sent by PayPal

A Address Address only (no ZIP)
B International “A” Address only (no ZIP)
C International “N” None
D International “X” Address and Postal Code
E Not allowed for MOTO (Internet/Phone) transactions Not applicable
F UK-specific “X” Address and Postal Code
G Global Unavailable Not applicable
I International Unavailable Not applicable
N No match None
P Postal (International 'Z') Postal Code only (no Address)
R Retry Not applicable
S Service not Supported Not applicable
U Unavailable Not applicable
W Whole ZIP Nine-digit ZIP code (no Address)
X Exact match Address and nine-digit ZIP code
Y Yes Address and five-digit ZIP
Z ZIP Five-digit ZIP code (no Address)
All others Error Not applicable

CVV code – the second letter preceding the dash in the auth code sent by PayPal

M Match CVV2
N No match None
P Not Processed Not applicable
S Service not Supported Not applicable
U Unavailable Not applicable
X No response Not applicable
All others Error Not applicable