May 27, 2009 - General Web Development    Comments Off on Web site database nightly database download

Web site database nightly database download

The PokerPincher MS Access database is downloaded nightly from the GoDaddy web space. This is done with a PowerShell script which is scheduled with the Windows Task Scheduler, which runs a batch file.

The batch file used looks like this:


The PowerShell script used looks like this:

$text = @"
CD sourcedirectory
get databasename.mdb C:\targetdirectory\databasename.mdb
$text | set-content c:\ftpscript.txt
& $env:systemroot\system32\ftp.exe -s:c:\ftpscript.txt
remove-item c:\ftpscript.txt

Note: There was an issue with the downloaded file being locked for use by the HomeUsers security group. This was because it was inheriting the permissions of the Temp folder used for the download, and then not inheriting the correct permissions when moved to the target folder. To fix this, I added the HomeUsers group with Modify permissions on the Temp folder, located at C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Temp.