May 27, 2008 - Old    Comments Off on Tomato router firmware custom.css style sheet

Tomato router firmware custom.css style sheet

To create a custom style sheet for Tomato router firmware, you need to copy the [b:39t9p92w]custom.css[/b:39t9p92w] file to the [b:39t9p92w]/var/wwwext [/b:39t9p92w]directory.

If this directory doesn’t exist, you can create it as follows:
[*:39t9p92w]Use [b:39t9p92w]ssh(putty)[/b:39t9p92w] to log into the router. [/*:m:39t9p92w]
[*:39t9p92w]Issue the following linux shell command:

[code:39t9p92w]mkdir /var/wwwext [/code:39t9p92w]
[*:39t9p92w]Then you can use [b:39t9p92w]WinSCP [/b:39t9p92w]to copy the [b:39t9p92w]custom.css [/b:39t9p92w]file to this directory. [/*:m:39t9p92w]
[*:39t9p92w]Finally, go to the [b:39t9p92w]Adminstration | Admin Access [/b:39t9p92w]section and choose the color scheme – [b:39t9p92w]Custom ext/custom.css.[/b:39t9p92w] [/*:m:39t9p92w][/list:u:39t9p92w]