Feb 21, 2013 - Wordpress    Comments Off on WooCommerce product main content positioning

WooCommerce product main content positioning

This CSS code, put at the end of the default style sheet, will help control the width of the container DIV which displays the products and other content.

/* -------------------------------------------
   Location of main content
#container {
    /* margin:20px 200px 50px 200px !important; */
    width: 960px;
    /* margin-left: auto ;
    margin-right: auto ; */
    margin:20px auto 50px auto !important;


(This info is based on the Figero theme)


Feb 21, 2013 - Wordpress    Comments Off on WooCommerce image sizing

WooCommerce image sizing

There’s an issue with images showing blurry when they get automatically resized. Here are some steps to avoid this.

There are 3 image sizes to be concerned with here- Catalog Images, Single Product Image, and Product Thumbnails.

In this example, I’m focusing on the Single Product Image because it’s the largest one. This example will use a size of 400px x 400px. The other images will be automatically resized smaller, based on that one.

WooCommerce image settings

The first step is to configure the WooCommerce settings in the Admin control panel. Go to WooCommerce | Settings | Catalog tab.
WC image settings

Keep in mind that if you had images previously loaded in a media gallery, you’ll need to re-import them or resize them to take effect.

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Feb 20, 2013 - Wordpress    Comments Off on Remove sidebar widget on OS Commerce pages

Remove sidebar widget on OS Commerce pages

For some reason, the OS Commerce pages display the sidebar widget. To remove it, place the following code in your functions.php file. I put it at the end.

/* You can add custom functions below */

remove_action( 'woocommerce_sidebar', 'woocommerce_get_sidebar', 10);

/* Don't add any code below here or the sky will fall down */