May 27, 2010 - General Web Development    Comments Off on GoDaddy Windows hosting detailed errors

GoDaddy Windows hosting detailed errors

I upgraded my GoDaddy Windows Shared Hosting account recently to one that includes IIS7. However, I found that the error reporting for web pages stinks. Too often, I would see a generic “Error 500…” error, with no details about what caused it. Read more »

May 27, 2010 - Joomla    Comments Off on Joomla Content Editor (JCE) background color

Joomla Content Editor (JCE) background color

One problem with JCE is how to fix the editor’s content background color. The default color came with whatever your template’s background color is and it is very hard to see what you type. Create a file and name it editor_content.css.

Open the file and put the following code there and save it:

body {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
text-align: left;
background: white;
background-image: none;

Upload this file to the folder root_directory/templates/your_template/css/editor_content.css. Go to your admin area and click on Components/JCE Admin/JCE Configuration on the menu bar. Change Use Template CSS to No. Type


in Custom CSS classes and save it.

May 27, 2010 - Joomla    Comments Off on Joomla mail settings on GoDaddy hosting

Joomla mail settings on GoDaddy hosting

Many people have had problems getting their Joomla email working for servers at GoDaddy. Here’s how I have my Windows shared hosting Joomla email settings configured:

  • In Joomla, go to Site | Global Configuration
  • On the Server tab, configure your Mail Setting as follows:
Mailer: SMTP Server
Mail from: your godaddy email address
From Name: your name
Sendmail path: usr/sbin/sendmail
SMTP Authentication: Yes
SMTP username: your godaddy email address
SMTP Password: your godaddy email password
SMTP Host:

Other notes

People have suggested that the Contact you use on the Contact Us form needs to have the same email address as the one you use in the Mail Settings.

For other SMTP servers, it may be necessary to modify the SMTP port used (in the phpmail.php and/or smtp.php files). This should NOT be done for the server. Leave it at port 25.
