May 27, 2009 - Old    Comments Off on How to update the Roadrunner Sports web site

How to update the Roadrunner Sports web site

To create a new season/sport, follow these instructions.

[b:9qnyqhgk]Change the default home page[/b:9qnyqhgk]
Go to [b:9qnyqhgk]Menus [/b:9qnyqhgk]| [i:9qnyqhgk][b:9qnyqhgk]sport menu [/b:9qnyqhgk][/i:9qnyqhgk]to make the default (i.e., soccer).
Select the sports menu item (i.e., 2008 Soccer Home) and click the [b:9qnyqhgk]Default [/b:9qnyqhgk]icon to make this the default page.

[b:9qnyqhgk]Change the menu order of sports (Top Menu)[/b:9qnyqhgk]
You can also change the order of the Top Menu by moving the current sport to the #1 position.
Go to [b:9qnyqhgk]Menu [/b:9qnyqhgk]| [b:9qnyqhgk]Top Menu.[/b:9qnyqhgk]
Rearrange the sports menus as desired.

[b:9qnyqhgk]Apply the correct template[/b:9qnyqhgk]
Be sure to apply the correct Template to the new pages created.
Go to [b:9qnyqhgk]Extensions [/b:9qnyqhgk]| [b:9qnyqhgk]Template Manager.[/b:9qnyqhgk]
Select the template desired, and in the [b:9qnyqhgk]Menu Selection [/b:9qnyqhgk]area, apply it to the new pages.

Soccer template:

Basketball template:

[b:9qnyqhgk]Apply the correct module[/b:9qnyqhgk]
Be sure to apply the correct Module to the new pages created.
Go to [b:9qnyqhgk]Extensions [/b:9qnyqhgk]| [b:9qnyqhgk]Module Manager.[/b:9qnyqhgk]
Select the Module desired, and in the [b:9qnyqhgk]Menu Selection [/b:9qnyqhgk]area, apply it to the new pages.

[b:9qnyqhgk]Hide the page title (system title)[/b:9qnyqhgk]
To hide the title for the new page, go to the Menu for that sport, and click on the page link in the menu. In the [b:9qnyqhgk]Paramters (System) [/b:9qnyqhgk]area, choose [b:9qnyqhgk]No[/b:9qnyqhgk] for the [b:9qnyqhgk]Show page title[/b:9qnyqhgk] selection.

May 27, 2009 - General Web Development    Comments Off on Sample Privacy Policy

Sample Privacy Policy

The following may be used as a sample privacy policy for web sites.

Privacy Policy

How we use information

We use the information you provide about yourself when placing an order only to complete that order. We do not share this information with outside parties except to the extent necessary to complete that order.

Note: The privacy practices set forth in this privacy policy are for this web site only. If you link to other web sites, please review their privacy policies.

Collection of information

We collect personally identifiable information, such as names, postal addresses, email addresses, etc., when needed to fulfill your specific request, such as to complete your order.

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May 27, 2009 - Virtualization    Comments Off on Windows XP Guest in Windows XP Host

Windows XP Guest in Windows XP Host

What if you in a travel & hardly needs to get work in a networking situation? A virtual machine (VM) installed in your system can do that. This situation also affected when you only have 1 PC but you must have at least 2 PC to get work, just like me as I have a laptop but need 2nd PC in order to support my jobs. Rather than spending money to buying extra PC/laptop, I considered to using a VM over my laptop. It’s more valuable, practice & easy to carry as you will have 2 working PC in a single system. Think about it! Read more »

May 27, 2009 - Old    Comments Off on Install Windows XP on ESX

Install Windows XP on ESX

[i:1wtldh54](From [url:1wtldh54][/url:1wtldh54])[/i:1wtldh54]

[size=130:1wtldh54]For Bus Logic Driver[/size:1wtldh54]
[*:1wtldh54]Download .flp file from VMware site: [url:1wtldh54][/url:1wtldh54]. [/*:m:1wtldh54]
[*:1wtldh54]Create a new Windows XP Virtual Machine. [/*:m:1wtldh54]
[*:1wtldh54]Set the [b:1wtldh54]SCSI Controller Type in the [/b:1wtldh54]BusConfiguration to use [b:1wtldh54]BusLogic [/b:1wtldh54]if not already set. [/*:m:1wtldh54]
[*:1wtldh54]Attach the Windows XP Volume-license .iso media (from the datastore) and the .flp floppy file (from the datastore) to the server configuration. Be sure that they are both set to [b:1wtldh54]Connected[/b:1wtldh54] and [b:1wtldh54]Powered On[/b:1wtldh54]. [/*:m:1wtldh54]
[*:1wtldh54]Open a Console session to the VM and start it. Be sure that the VM is booting from the CD. During startup, you can hit [b:1wtldh54]ESC[/b:1wtldh54]to select the boot device. [/*:m:1wtldh54]
[*:1wtldh54]During the setup, hit [b:1wtldh54]F6 [/b:1wtldh54]to specify an additional controller. Be sure that the .flp file is attached and powered on. You can configure this with the VM running. [/*:m:1wtldh54]
[*:1wtldh54]Push [b:1wtldh54]S[/b:1wtldh54] to select [b:1wtldh54]S=Specify Additional Device[/b:1wtldh54]. [/*:m:1wtldh54]
[*:1wtldh54]Push [b:1wtldh54]Enter[/b:1wtldh54] to select [b:1wtldh54]VMware SCSI Controller[/b:1wtldh54]. [/*:m:1wtldh54]
[*:1wtldh54]Install the Operating Sytem.[/*:m:1wtldh54][/list:u:1wtldh54]
[Note: When the O/S files are copied to the VM’s hard disk, and it reboots the first time, you may get an error about “NTLDR is missing”. Be sure to boot from the hard disk (hit ESC during startup to specify this. The setup should then continue ok.

[size=130:1wtldh54]For LSI Logic Driver[/size:1wtldh54]

[*:1wtldh54]Donload driver at [url:1wtldh54][/url:1wtldh54] and search for a driver for the LSI20320-R controller. [/*:m:1wtldh54]
[*:1wtldh54]Extract all files in the symmpi_wXP_1201800.ZIP. Use a program such as WinImage to create an LSILogic.flp. [/*:m:1wtldh54]
[*:1wtldh54]Follow steps outlined above.[/*:m:1wtldh54][/list:u:1wtldh54]
