May 27, 2008 - DotNetNuke    Comments Off on DotNetNuke Password Reset via SQL (Option 2)

DotNetNuke Password Reset via SQL (Option 2)

I was looking to reset a password in DotNetNuke 4.4.1 and found this link:

Apparently this is for a prior version, as the 4.4.1 stored procedure uses the "ApplicationName" and not the "ApplicationID". I was successful in resetting the password using the small modification found below.

Declare @UserName NVarChar(255)
Declare @NewPassword NVarChar(255)
Declare @PasswordSalt NVarChar(128)
Declare @Application NVarChar(255)
— Enter the user name and new password between ”
— Do not leave any spaces unless intended to do so.
— Edit only between single quote characters
Set @UserName = ‘host’ — This default DNN host user
Set @NewPassword = ‘yourpasswordhere’ –New password
— Do not modify any code below this line
Set @Application = (SELECT [ApplicationName] FROM aspnet_Users inner join aspnet_Applications on aspnet_Users.ApplicationId = aspnet_Applications.ApplicationId WHERE UserName=@UserName)
Set @PasswordSalt = (SELECT PasswordSalt FROM aspnet_Membership WHERE UserID IN (SELECT UserID FROM aspnet_Users WHERE UserName=@UserName))
Exec dbo.aspnet_Membership_ResetPassword @Application, @UserName, @NewPassword, 10, 10, @PasswordSalt, -5, 0, null[/code:3o7542n6]

May 27, 2008 - DotNetNuke    Comments Off on DotNetNuke Password Reset via SQL (Option 1)

DotNetNuke Password Reset via SQL (Option 1)

If your DotNetNuke passwords all of a sudden stop working (like due to a failed upgrade), have no fear, you can reset them at the database! This is not a hack, it uses the official aspnet Password Reset.

Open [b:2ei3quwf]SQL Query Analyzer [/b:2ei3quwf]- Connect to your dotNetNuke database.

Paste the following Stored Procedure code into the window, this will create a stored procedure for later use called [b:2ei3quwf]uap_ResetPassword[/b:2ei3quwf]. This should survive DNN upgrades because we are predicating the stored procedure name with uap_

create procedure uap_ResetPassword
@UserName NVarChar(255),
@NewPassword NVarChar(255)
Declare @PasswordSalt NVarChar(128)
Declare @Application NVarChar(255)

Set @Application = (SELECT [ApplicationID] FROM aspnet_Users WHERE UserName=@UserName)
Set @PasswordSalt = (SELECT PasswordSalt FROM aspnet_Membership WHERE UserID IN (SELECT UserID FROM aspnet_Users WHERE UserName=@UserName))

Exec dbo.aspnet_Membership_ResetPassword @Application, @UserName, @NewPassword, 10, 10, @PasswordSalt, -5

Now you can reset your DotNetNuke passwords by simply opening up SQL Query Analyzer, connecting to your dotNetNuke database, then typing [color=#339966:2ei3quwf]uap_ResetPassword ‘username’, ‘newpassword’[/color:2ei3quwf]

May 27, 2008 - DotNetNuke    Comments Off on Installing DotNetNuke 4.4.1 – Clean Install Windows 2000/XP

Installing DotNetNuke 4.4.1 – Clean Install Windows 2000/XP

[b:2dkmkjha]By [url=]Vlad Hrybok[/url:2dkmkjha][/b:2dkmkjha].
This article describes how to run DotNetNuke content management system on UltiDev Cassini web server, which unlike IIS can run on Windows XP Home and can be redistributed along with the DotNetNuke applications.

Successful completion of this walkthrough requires following components:
– Any flavor of Windows XP or Windows Server 2003.
– [url=].NET Framework 2.0[/url:2dkmkjha].
– [url=]UltiDev Cassini Web Server 2.0[/url:2dkmkjha]
– SQL Server 2005 – Complete or [url=]Express[/url:2dkmkjha] version
– SQL Server Management Studio – Complete or [url=]Express[/url:2dkmkjha] version
– [url=]DotNetNuke 4.0.2 Install package[/url:2dkmkjha]
The article assumes readers are able to perform basic SQL Server 2005 management operations, like installing SQL Server and creating a new database.


If you plan to run your DotNetNuke application on systems that can’t run IIS, like Windows XP Home, or if your customers lack skills necessary to install and maintain IIS, you should consider distributing your DNN-based application with [url=]UltiDev Cassini Web Server[/url:2dkmkjha] – a small redistributable web server capable of running ASP.NET applications without IIS.

The instructions on how to make redistributable package for an ASP.NET application including UltiDev Cassini Web Server, please refer either to [url=]this Codeproject article[/url:2dkmkjha], or to [url=]UltiDev Cassini Developer’s Guide[/url:2dkmkjha]. Most of this walkthrough has to do with installing DotNetNuke itself, including creating its database and specifying correct connection string in its web.config file. Once that is done, actual registration of DNN with Cassini server and running the application is really a piece of cake.
Well, let’s get our hands dirty. For simplicity sake, we’ll put SQL Server 2005 that is an underpinning of DNN, on the same box where DNN is running. If you have experience with installing and configuring DNN, then install DNN your way, skip Part I and go straight to Part II.

[size=130:2dkmkjha]Part I – DotNetNuke Installation.[/size:2dkmkjha]

This part is just a straight up DNN installation and has nothing to do with running it on Cassini. If you know how to install DNN, please install it and skip to the Part II.
[*:2dkmkjha]Download [url=]DotNetNuke 4.0.2 Install Package[/url:2dkmkjha]. Unpack the ZIP file into C:\DNN folder. [/*:m:2dkmkjha]
[*:2dkmkjha]Navigate to C:\DNN folder and copy release.config file to web.config. [/*:m:2dkmkjha]
[*:2dkmkjha]If you don’t have SQL Server 2005 install, [url=]download and install SQL Server 2005 Express[/url:2dkmkjha] and its management console – [url=]SQL Server Management Studio[/url:2dkmkjha]. Accept all defaults while installing SQL Server Express. (If you have SQL Server 2000 or 2005 installed on this or other box, and you know how to use it, then just create a new database on it and call it DotNetNuke. You may then skip steps explaining how to create a database and format a connection string for your ASP.NET application) [/*:m:2dkmkjha]
[*:2dkmkjha]Use SQL Server Management studio to connect to SQL Server Express you just installed. Once there, create new database:

…call it DotNetNuke and make sa or some other high-powered SQL login an owner of the database:
…click OK. [/*:m:2dkmkjha]
[*:2dkmkjha]Navigate to DNN’s database users and make dbo an owner of the database by double-clicking on the dbo user

…and then adding db_owner schema to set of schemas owned by dbo:
Click OK. [/*:m:2dkmkjha]
[*:2dkmkjha]Modify web.config file in C:\DNN folder by replacing connection string value to point to the newly created database. The connection string should look like "Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=DotNetNuke;Integrated Security=True". Edit web.config file to look like this:

<!– Connection String for SQL Server 2005 Express –>

<add name="SiteSqlServer"
connectionString="Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=DotNetNuke;Integrated Security=True;"

<!– Connection String for SQL Server 2005 Express – kept for backwards compatability – legacy modules –>
<add key="SiteSqlServer" value="Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=DotNetNuke;Integrated Security=True;"/>[/code:2dkmkjha]
[size=130:2dkmkjha]Part II – Running DotNetNuke on UltiDev Cassini.[/size:2dkmkjha]

[*:2dkmkjha][url=]Download[/url:2dkmkjha] and install UltiDev [url=]Cassini Web Server 2.0[/url:2dkmkjha]. [/*:m:2dkmkjha]
[*:2dkmkjha]From Start | All Programs | UltiDev | Cassini ASP.NET Server, launch Cassini Explorer utility to register DotNetNuke application with the server. [/*:m:2dkmkjha]
[*:2dkmkjha]Fill out form fields highlighted below and hit Generate button.
[b:2dkmkjha]IMPORTANT NOTE[/b:2dkmkjha]: [i:2dkmkjha]Please be sure you uncheck "Always keep application in memory" checkbox before you ran the DNN for the first time. Otherwise DNN will not install itself correctly and you will have to remove DNN application files, delete the DB and start everything from scratch![/i:2dkmkjha]
[img:2dkmkjha][/img:2dkmkjha] [/*:m:2dkmkjha]
[*:2dkmkjha]Click Save button:
[img:2dkmkjha][/img:2dkmkjha] [/*:m:2dkmkjha]
[*:2dkmkjha]Click this link to start DotNetNuke running under Cassini:
[img:2dkmkjha][/img:2dkmkjha] [/*:m:2dkmkjha]
[*:2dkmkjha]And here it is: DotNetNuke running on Cassini:

After DNN is done initializing itself, scroll browser window down and launch the DNN:

and enjoy DNN on Cassini:
[img:2dkmkjha][/img:2dkmkjha]To improve DNN’s first-page-served response time, you may want to prevent DNN from being unloaded by ASP.NET. To do that, go back to Cassini Explorer, Edit DNN’s application settings and mark the "Always keep application in memory" checkbox, and Save configuration. It’s important to do that AFTER DNN initialized itself, so please run DNN in a browser first, and only then change the "keep application in memory" flag.

If you want to dig deeper, find out how to [url=]debug and distribute[/url:2dkmkjha] any ASP.NET applications, including DotNetNuke-based ones, with UltiDev Cassini.


Recent DotNetNuke 4.3.x. Install version is much easier to install and run under UltiDev Cassini than DNN 4.0.x. It does not need a database to be created upfront, or connection strings changed in web.config. Just download DNN, unzip it, register it with UltiDev Cassini Web Server and run it from Cassini Explorer. No need to even have SQL Server Management Studio downloaded. [/*:m:2dkmkjha][/list:o:2dkmkjha][/*:m:2dkmkjha][/list:o:2dkmkjha]

May 27, 2008 - DotNetNuke    Comments Off on Restoring the Database

Restoring the Database

This step is the first part of the process as you must know how to access to the database to complete the DotNetNuke Restore.

[size=130:ri0nnxr4]Restoring To SQL Server 2000[/size:ri0nnxr4]

If you are using SQL Server 2000 you will want to use the below steps, please see the SQL Server 2005 steps for restoring to SQL Server 2005 using SQL Server Management Studio Express.
[*:ri0nnxr4]The first step is to create a new blank database with the same name as your existing database. To do this simply right click on your server and select “Create Database” providing the database name[/*:m:ri0nnxr4]
[*:ri0nnxr4]Right-click on your new SQL Server database[/*:m:ri0nnxr4]
[*:ri0nnxr4]Select “All Tasks” -> “Restore Database”[/*:m:ri0nnxr4]
[*:ri0nnxr4]Select “From Device” as the “Restore:” option[/*:m:ri0nnxr4]
[*:ri0nnxr4]Click “Select Devices” then “Add”[/*:m:ri0nnxr4]
[*:ri0nnxr4]Click the “…” button to browse for your .bak file, then press “Ok” to add it to the list[/*:m:ri0nnxr4]
[*:ri0nnxr4]Click “Ok” to get back to the “Restore Database” window, then switch to the “Options” tab[/*:m:ri0nnxr4]
[*:ri0nnxr4]Ensure that the “Force Restore over Existing Database” checkbox is selected[/*:m:ri0nnxr4]
[*:ri0nnxr4]Click the “Ok” button to begin the restore process[/*:m:ri0nnxr4]
[*:ri0nnxr4]Once completed you should receive a message stating restore successful![/*:m:ri0nnxr4][/list:o:ri0nnxr4]
If you have restored this to a different database server, or to a different database name be sure to follow the optional Web.Config change instructions below, otherwise you will not be able to access your database

[size=130:ri0nnxr4]Restoring to SQL Server 2005[/size:ri0nnxr4]

If you are using SQL Server 2005 you may use the below steps to restore your database backup to the server.
[*:ri0nnxr4]The first step to successfully restoring a database is to create a new database on your server. This is accomplished by right clicking on the “Databases” item in SQL Server Management Studio Express (SSMSE) and selecting “New Database”[/*:m:ri0nnxr4]
[*:ri0nnxr4]If possible the database name that you create should be the same as the one you are restoring, but it is not required[/*:m:ri0nnxr4]
[*:ri0nnxr4]Now that you have a database right-click on it and select “Tasks” -> “Restore” -> “Database”[/*:m:ri0nnxr4]
[*:ri0nnxr4]Select “From Device” as the source[/*:m:ri0nnxr4]
[*:ri0nnxr4]Click the “…” button, then click “Add” in the window that appears[/*:m:ri0nnxr4]
[*:ri0nnxr4]Find your .bak file then press “Ok” twice to return to the restore database window[/*:m:ri0nnxr4]
[*:ri0nnxr4]Now you will see a list of backup sets to restore, select the MOST recent backup by placing a check box in the “restore” column.[/*:m:ri0nnxr4]
[*:ri0nnxr4]Now switch to the “options” page (upper left of the window)[/*:m:ri0nnxr4]
[*:ri0nnxr4]Ensure that the “Overwrite the Existing Database” is checked[/*:m:ri0nnxr4]
[*:ri0nnxr4]Ensure that the “Restore As” column indicates the proper .mdf and .ldf locations for your specific server. If needed you may change these using the “…” buttons. (Typically needed for restores provided by a hosting company to a non-hosting company location).[/*:m:ri0nnxr4]
[*:ri0nnxr4]Press “Ok” to restore your backup[/*:m:ri0nnxr4][/list:u:ri0nnxr4]
This should now have your database up and running on the new server. REMEMBER: if you changed your database server name, or your database name from your previous configuration you will need to follow the optional web.config changes listed below.

[size=130:ri0nnxr4]Restoring the DotNetNuke Installation[/size:ri0nnxr4]

Follow the below steps to restore your DotNetNuke Installation, these instructions are assuming restoring to a new server that has NOT been configured to host your DotNetNuke site.
[*:ri0nnxr4]Using windows explorer navigate to c:\inetpub\wwwroot, then right click and select “New” -> “Folder” and create a folder with the same name as your existing DNN installation. (If you installed to a different location you may simply navigate to that path and substitute it for any further path references)[/*:m:ri0nnxr4]
[*:ri0nnxr4]Open your DotNetNuke backup zip file[/*:m:ri0nnxr4]
[*:ri0nnxr4]Select “Extract All Files/Folders”[/*:m:ri0nnxr4]
[*:ri0nnxr4]For the extraction location select the new folder created in step 1[/*:m:ri0nnxr4]
[*:ri0nnxr4](OPTIONAL) If in the database restore process above you changed your server or database name, you will need to modify your web.config file to note the changes. (See [url=]this[/url:ri0nnxr4] tutorial for assistance)[/*:m:ri0nnxr4][/list:o:ri0nnxr4]

[size=130:ri0nnxr4]Creating New Virtual Directory (If Needed)[/size:ri0nnxr4]

If you are restoring your application to the same folder on your working production server, you should now have a fully restored copy of your site. If you are moving to a different server or have restored to a path on the same server that does not have a virtual directory configured you will need to follow the below steps.
[*:ri0nnxr4]Open the IIS Snap-In tool, this can be found via “Start” -> “Settings” -> “Control Panel” -> “Administrative Tools” -> “Internet Information Services”[/*:m:ri0nnxr4]
[*:ri0nnxr4]Expand the root nodes until you can expand the “Default Web Site” node[/*:m:ri0nnxr4]
[*:ri0nnxr4]You should see your newly created folder listed with a standard folder icon[/*:m:ri0nnxr4]
[*:ri0nnxr4]Right-click on the folder and choose “Properties”[/*:m:ri0nnxr4]
[*:ri0nnxr4]On the first tab click “Create” next to the application name. The application name displayed should be the same as your previous installation. IF NOT you will need to modify the “Portal Alias” table to update to the new application name[/*:m:ri0nnxr4]
[*:ri0nnxr4]Now, switch to the “Documents” tab. Remove all current default documents and add in default.aspx[/*:m:ri0nnxr4]
[*:ri0nnxr4]Now, switch to the “Directory Security” tab[/*:m:ri0nnxr4]
[*:ri0nnxr4]Click “Edit” in the “Anonymous Access and Authentication Control” area[/*:m:ri0nnxr4]
[*:ri0nnxr4]Ensure that a checkmark is placed in the “Anonymous Access” option at the top of the window and press “Ok” to exit[/*:m:ri0nnxr4]
[*:ri0nnxr4]Now switch to the “ASP.NET” tab and ensure that “2.0.50727” is selected for the ASP.NET version[/*:m:ri0nnxr4]
[*:ri0nnxr4]Click “Ok” to save your changes and complete IIS Setup[/*:m:ri0nnxr4][/list:o:ri0nnxr4]
If you did not change your application name you should now be able to view your application. If you have specified a different application name, you will need to modify any entries in the PortalAlias table that reference your old application name. This should provide you a quick guide to restoring or moving a DNN installation to a new server. Please let me know if you have any questions/comments/concerns. My forum is also available for anyone that would like assistance with any errors that might come up.

May 27, 2008 - Old    Comments Off on How to convert a TiVo recording for use on an iPod

How to convert a TiVo recording for use on an iPod

There are 2 methods which can be used to convert a TiVo recording. Method 1 is easiest, since all of the video conversion is done in one step. However, it’s not always the most reliable. Method 2 is much slower, but can result in more reliable results.

[b:ed4efcou]Method 1 [/b:ed4efcou](easier)
[*:ed4efcou]Run the [b:ed4efcou]tySuiteJ.jar [/b:ed4efcou]file or shortcut (be sure to run it from the mapped drive path C:\Shared\Tivo\TySuiteJ\v2.6 rather than a UNC path) to convert the TiVo recording to an MP4 file. Do this by selecting the desired recording and clicking the [b:ed4efcou]iPod [/b:ed4efcou]button. This will save the converted file to the C:\Shared\iPod directory as a [b:ed4efcou].mp4 [/b:ed4efcou]file.
[i:ed4efcou]Prerequisite: Java Runtime Environment 5.0 Update 14.[/i:ed4efcou] [/*:m:ed4efcou]
[*:ed4efcou]Go to bed- this takes a while (but it’s faster than Method 2). [/*:m:ed4efcou]
[*:ed4efcou]Drag or add this converted .mp4 file into the iTunes Library. Enjoy![/*:m:ed4efcou][/list:o:ed4efcou]

[b:ed4efcou]Method 2 [/b:ed4efcou](more reliable)
[*:ed4efcou]Run the [b:ed4efcou]tySuiteJ.jar [/b:ed4efcou]file or shortcut (be sure to run it from the mapped drive path C:\Shared\Tivo\TySuiteJ\v2.6 rather than a UNC path) to convert the TiVo recording to an MPEG file. Do this by selecting the desired recording and clicking the [b:ed4efcou]MPG [/b:ed4efcou]button. This will save the converted file to the C:\Shared\iPod directory as a [b:ed4efcou].mpg [/b:ed4efcou]file.
[i:ed4efcou]Prerequisite: Java Runtime Environment 5.0 Update 14.[/i:ed4efcou] [/*:m:ed4efcou]
[*:ed4efcou]Use the [b:ed4efcou]Videora iPod nano Converter [/b:ed4efcou]program (installed on local computer) to convert this video .mpg file to an iPod Nano format video file (.mp4). This will save the file to the converted output file to the C:\Shared\iPod directory. [/*:m:ed4efcou]
[*:ed4efcou]Go to bed- this takes a LONG time! [/*:m:ed4efcou]
[*:ed4efcou]Drag or add this converted .mp4 file into the iTunes Library. Enjoy![/*:m:ed4efcou][/list:o:ed4efcou]

The video conversion for both methods is done with [b:ed4efcou]ffmpeg. [/b:ed4efcou]However, they use different versions of this program. The version of ffmepeg I’m using with TySuiteJ is an older version, which replaced the version that came wih the original download of the TySuiteJ package. This older version corrects the choppy audio results when using Method 1 (above). The Videora program also uses ffmpeg, but the newer version of the program doesn’t have the audio issues when used with Videora.

For Method 1, the settings for the ffmpeg conversion are configured in the [b:ed4efcou][/b:ed4efcou] file. There is a transcoder profile setup for the iPod. This is what that profile looks like:

Transcoder.profile.ipodMobile=iPod,ffmpeg,mp4,-deinterlace -y -i – -vcodec libxvid -s 320×240 -r 30000/1001 -bufsize 524288 -qscale 1 -acodec libfaac -ab 96k -ac 2 -async 1 -title “{Title}” “{OutputFile}”[/code:ed4efcou]

Documentation about the ffmpeg settings you can configure can be found here:

For Method 2, all of the conversion settings are handled by the Videora program using nice GUI menus!

[b:ed4efcou]TySuiteJ setup notes[/b:ed4efcou]
There are 3 files ([b:ed4efcou]NowShowing[/b:ed4efcou], [b:ed4efcou]mfs_uberexport[/b:ed4efcou], and [b:ed4efcou]dserver.tcl[/b:ed4efcou]) in the download which were loaded onto the TiVo (FTP via Binary file transfer). They were copied to the [b:ed4efcou]/bin [/b:ed4efcou]directory on the TiVo, which is a directory in TiVo’s path.
