Mar 27, 2008 - Linux    Comments Off on Mount a Windows share on Linux with Samba

Mount a Windows share on Linux with Samba

Method 1

This article describes how to set up a share from a Linux box to a Windows box. Samba has to be installed.

To test if your Linux machine sees the shares on the Windows box:

smbclient -L <windows-box> -U <username>

Make a directoy for the mountpoint:

mkdir /mnt/<name-of-mount-point>

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Mar 27, 2008 - Geeky General    Comments Off on Dive Deep with SubInACL

Dive Deep with SubInACL

Need to change a security permission?

Mr. Roboto has the command-line tool you’ll need

by Jeffery Hicks
March 2008

I spend a lot of time in scripting newsgroups and forums, helping out wherever and whenever I can. One topic I see frequently is how to use a script to modify some sort of permission, whether registry, share, file or Active Directory. Usually the poster wants to use VBScript with Windows Management Instrumentation. While you can do this, most security and permission modifications are mind-numbingly tedious. They’re definitely not for the beginner. Heck, I don’t even bother with them myself. Read more »

Feb 27, 2008 - Geeky General    Comments Off on Slipstream Windows XP and create a bootable CD

Slipstream Windows XP and create a bootable CD

For slipstreaming your Windows CD, the following steps can be done. This is also useful in producing a bootable CD with your new Windows installation.

You can use nLite- this will also let you slipstream SP2 into the installation CD (and also let you set it up with user name, CD key and any other patches)

It produces an .iso image file which Roxio can use to write to the blank disc. This blank disc will then be bootable.

Jan 27, 2008 - Linux    Comments Off on Linux: Format a second hard drive

Linux: Format a second hard drive

Open System>Administration>Gnome Partition Editor. This will open up Gparted.

  • If it is not installed, open System>Administration>Synaptic and search & install the package.
  • The hardest part of using Gparted is selecting the drive you want to format.
  • In the upper right hand corner click on the drop down box and select the new drive.
  • Then select the unused space, create a new partition and format it.
Jan 27, 2008 - Linux    Comments Off on Install VirtualBox on Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy)

Install VirtualBox on Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy)

Installing VirtualBox on Hardy is easy. From a terminal session, run the following commands to install Virtualbox.

sudo apt-get install virtualbox-ose virtualbox-ose-source virtualbox-ose-modules-generic

Add yourself to the vboxusers group. You can add more usernames after “whoami” if you wish:

sudo gpasswd -a `whoami` vboxusers


sudo usermod -Gvboxusers -a `whoami`

You will now have to log out of your desktop session and log back in order to update your group membership. Read more »