May 27, 2007 - magicJack    Comments Off on Block the magicJack pop up program

Block the magicJack pop up program

magicJack is a great service so far. However, one annoyance has been that every time I make or receive a phone call, the softphone program pops up. I found a program that prevents this from happening.

The program is called magicBlock, and it’s free. The bottom line is that it works as advertised.

Available here:

May 27, 2007 - Movie Making    Comments Off on Windows Movie Maker file formats in Windows XP

Windows Movie Maker file formats in Windows XP

This Microsoft article was previously published under Q308464

Supported formats for importing content Video files: .asf, .avi, .wmv

Supported formats for importing content:

  • Video files: .asf, .avi, .wmv
  • Movie files: MPEG1, .mpeg, .mpg, .m1v, .mp2
  • Audio files: .wav, .snd, .au, .aif, .aifc, .aiff
  • Windows Media files: .asf, .wm, .wma, .wmv
  • Still images: .bmp, .jpg, .jpeg, .jpe, .jfif, .gif
  • MP3 format audio: .mp3 Read more »
May 27, 2007 - DotNetNuke    Comments Off on Blog: How to improve a DotNetNuke module

Blog: How to improve a DotNetNuke module

Published: 17 Jan 2007
By: Oleg Zhukov

This article explains how to make changes to DotNetNuke [url=]modules[/url:3jq2q1d8] varying their look-and-feel as well as adding some fundamental behavior.

[size=130:3jq2q1d8]Introduction [/size:3jq2q1d8]
DotNetNuke is shipped with a number of feature-rich modules suitable for various tasks. However a necessity to modify a module’s behavior may arise. This article covers how to easily modify DNN modules and extend their behavior. To understand the article easily I recommend that you download the article [url=]code[/url:3jq2q1d8].

As a case in point, we will make minor modifications to the Blog module step by step But first let us clarify DotNetNuke’s basic structure.

[size=130:3jq2q1d8]DotNetNuke module structure [/size:3jq2q1d8]
In DNN 4.x a module is usually comprised of front-end controls (in *.ascx files) and module’s logic (*.dll assemblies). A module’s front-end is located under DesktopModules\<Module_Name>\ folder. The assemblies files can be found in Bin\ folder.

Due to the need of an entire recompilation, modifying a module’s *.dll file is a complicated task. So we will insert all additional behavior into *.ascx files and will deal with them through the rest of the article.

[size=130:3jq2q1d8]Step 1: Removing needless parts [/size:3jq2q1d8]
Some information displayed in a module may be redundant and should better be hidden. For example the calendar in a [url=]blog[/url:3jq2q1d8] archive view is needless if posts aren’t made often. The below code will remove the calendar from the Blog archive.

Take a look at the contents of Archive.ascx file (in the DesktopModules\Blog folder). It describes how the archive view looks. Several lines in the beginning of the file contain definitions for unwanted items:
<asp:label id="lblArchive" …>Archive</asp:label>
<asp:calendar id="calMonth" …></asp:calendar>
<asp:label id="lblMonthly" …>Monthly</asp:label>
However we cannot simply remove label and calendar controls since they are referred to in the underlying [url=]dll’s[/url:3jq2q1d8]. Instead we should set their visible attribute to false:
[code:3jq2q1d8]<asp:label visible="false" …>Archive</asp:label>
<asp:calendar visible="false" …></asp:calendar>
<asp:label visible="false" …>Monthly</asp:label>[/code:3jq2q1d8]
This will make a module contain only what is desired and nothing more.

[size=130:3jq2q1d8]Step 2: Rearranging existing controls [/size:3jq2q1d8]
Let us now draw attention to the [url=]search box[/url:3jq2q1d8] of the Blog module. Say we want the dropdown at the top to be hidden and the radio buttons to be arranged vertically.


Here we need to modify the Search.ascx file. Hiding the dropdown is the same as in Step 1. Arranging the radio buttons vertically is not harder we just set repeatdirection property of the radiobuttonlist control to Vertical

<asp:radiobuttonlist id="optSearchType" … repeatdirection="Vertical" … />[/code:3jq2q1d8]

Please note that changes to the visual style of a module (e.g. fonts, colors, etc.) are made through module.css style sheet.

[size=130:3jq2q1d8]Step 3: Adding logic to a module [/size:3jq2q1d8]
So far we have dealt only with visual modifications to modules. But what if it’s necessary to add some new functionality to a module? We will add the total number of posts in a given month to the Blog Module. While I would highly recommend that you do this through the code files, we’ll actually do it via the ascx control.
For example let us make blog archive show the number of posts for each month.


In order to get the number of posts made in a particular month a SQL query should be executed. Since inline querying is forbidden in DotNetNuke we need to create an appropriate Storedprocedure which will return the desired count.

A stored procedure can be created by the means of the DotNetNuke SQL tool. Open it with Host > SQL menu item. Then paste the Storedprocedure creation query, select Run as Script and click Execute.

The storedprocedure to retrieve the number of posts for a specific month can be downloaded with the sources for the example.

Creating the storedprocedure is not the only thing we need do. In order to execute it we need to provide the proper connection settings and procedure parameters. Connection settings can be retrieved by static methods of the corresponding DataProvider subclass. Other parameters depend on the specific case, for example portal ID can be obtained via PortalId property of a module’s front-end control.

Anyway we will need to embed [url=]server[/url:3jq2q1d8] scripts with additional logic into *.ascx controls. Here is how it would look for our example:
<%@ Import Namespace="DotNetNuke.Modules.Blog.Data" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="DotNetNuke.Modules.Blog.Business" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="Microsoft.ApplicationBlocks.Data" %>

<script runat="server">
Function GetEntryCount(ByVal Month As DateTime) As Integer
Dim BlogID As Integer = -1
If Not Request.Params("BlogID") Is Nothing Then
BlogID = CType(Request.Params("BlogID"), Integer)
End If
Dim sqlDataProvider As Blog.Data.SqlDataProvider =
CType( Blog.Data.DataProvider.Instance(), Blog.Data.SqlDataProvider)
Dim connectStr As String = sqlDataProvider.ConnectionString
Dim dbo As String = sqlDataProvider.DatabaseOwner
Dim oq As String = sqlDataProvider.ObjectQualifier
Dim dr As IDataReader =
CType(SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(connectStr, dbo & _
oq & "Blog_GetEntriesCountForMonth", & _
Me.PortalId, BlogID, Month), IDataReader)
Dim Result As Integer = dr.GetInt32(0)
Return Result
End Function


<asp:hyperlink … />
(<%#GetEntryCount(CType(Eval("AddedDate"), DateTime))%>)

The storedprocedure used is Blog_GetEntriesCountForMonth and it is called with the SqlHelper.ExecuteReader static method. Here we use standard ASP.NET notation <%#expression%> to embed calculated values into the markup.

[size=130:3jq2q1d8]Conclusion [/size:3jq2q1d8]
DotNetNuke is an [url=]open-source[/url:3jq2q1d8] framework making it possible to modify the behavior of all of its parts including native and new modules. Throughout this article we have addressed questions of making changes to modules by modifying their *.ascx front-end files. Such changes do not require recompilation of underlying dll’s though they may contradict standard the DotNetNuke programming model. Anyway if a minor change to a module should be made then modifying module’s *.ascx files is the easiest way to.

The example improvements to the Blog module can be found in the [url=]downloads section[/url:3jq2q1d8] of my website. Or just click [url=]here[/url:3jq2q1d8] for direct access.

May 27, 2007 - DotNetNuke    Comments Off on CSS: Which CSS file should I use?

CSS: Which CSS file should I use?

[url=]DotNetNuke[/url:1xgtry3d] (with a little help from HTML and CSS, of course) gives you a huge amount of flexibility in the layout and design of your website, web portal or web-based application. You can do anything from tweaking a font size or colour here and there to starting a "skin" design from scratch – and DNN implements what I call a "5-tier" model for CSS, where CSS elements for different purposes belong in different CSS files.

[b:1xgtry3d][size=130:1xgtry3d]Some technical background[/size:1xgtry3d][/b:1xgtry3d]
The five tiers discussed in this blog are an abstraction – a way of thinking about where to put your CSS to structure it best. Technically, it doesn’t matter which .css file you use – when you have references to multiple CSS files in HTML, they all get counted when the browser renders your output.

[size=130:1xgtry3d][b:1xgtry3d]The 5 Tiers[/b:1xgtry3d][/size:1xgtry3d]
module.css files exist in the /DesktopModules/[modulename] folder. If there isn’t one already there, you can create the file and it will automatically get used.
Generally I leave the module.css files alone, and reserve them for CSS that the module developer wants to include. If a module developer includes a module.css, it will get overwritten when you next upgrade the module, so it’s a bad place to put your custom css.

portal.css is located in the /portals/[color=#808080:1xgtry3d][portalid][/color:1xgtry3d] folder – there’s one for each portal running in your DNN installation. Use portal.css for styles that are intended to be portal-wide. That is, the CSS in portal.css should be intended to affect all skins & pages in your portal. portal.css doesn’t get overwritten when you upgrade modules (or the DNN core), so it’s a safe place to put your custom CSS. I generally create my own skins for each portal, so I tend to use skin.css in favour or portal.css. But if you are using purchased or downloaded skins, this is the best place to put your custom CSS because your skin.css file would be overwritten if you upgrade the skin.

skin.css files are created as part of the skin package – for more detailed information about creating skins, refer to the DNN documentation.

If you control the skin you are using (that is, if you created it yourself instead of purchasing one or using one of the skins that comes with DNN), skin.css is the best place to put your custom CSS elements. The elements in skin.css only affect the skin that the skin.css is for (and all the containers and modules, of course).

container.css files are created as part of the container package – for more detailed information about creating containers, refer to the DNN documentation.

container.css should be used for elements that are intended to affect a specific container or group of containers and the modules within them.

The default.css file contains CSS defined by the DNN core. This could get overwritten in a DNN upgrade, so it’s safest to leave it alone. However, it contains some non W3C-compliant CSS, so I usually edit it to make it pass the W3C validator.

[b:1xgtry3d][color=#339966:1xgtry3d][u:1xgtry3d]The short answer:
[/u:1xgtry3d]For custom CSS, if you are designing your own skin, use skin.css. [/color:1xgtry3d][/b:1xgtry3d][b:1xgtry3d][color=#339966:1xgtry3d]
If you are using pre-packaged skins, use portal.css.[/color:1xgtry3d][/b:1xgtry3d]

The way DNN structures its CSS files make CSS seem modular (which is a good thing), but every CSS file referenced within the HTML page that DotNetNuke generates can affect your entire page. There’s no technical reason you can’t put a BODY {background-color: red} in a module.css file, which would affect your entire page, not just the module.

If you exercise some discipline over where you add your own CSS, then the modular nature of the DNN CSS classes works well. If you don’t, it can be very confusing.