Jul 27, 2009 - Linux    Comments Off on Ubuntu software repositories

Ubuntu software repositories

If you have been a Windows and/or a Mac OS user to date, you are probably used to searching for a program on the internet (often offered in an executable installer) and having to download and install it.

You’re probably familiar with software distributed on CDs, DVDs, etc. which often have an autorun feature from where you can then install them. For free and open systems like Ubuntu GNU/Linux there is some software distributed in this fashion, but those are mostly proprietary and closed programs.

On systems like Ubuntu, most software is packaged in nice .deb (or .rpm, like in Red Hat) files which contain the programs and libraries you need. These files can be downloaded or come in CDs (Ubuntu’s CD is full of them).

Repositories are servers which contain sets of packages. You generally access them with tools like Synaptic (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto).

These tools can list all the packages you have installed (from your kernel to your favorite application with all the libraries in between) and the packages that are available in the repositories you have configured the tool to have access to. They also let you search for simple things like “image editor”.

These tools provide a simple, centralized method of software installation while and give the distributors (who set up the repositories) a centralized way to send you updates (1) to your software.

In Ubuntu you generally want to have at least Ubuntu’s repositories (which may include the install CD) but it is not uncommon to have other repositories (from other packagers) set up.

It’s important to know that most of the tools you’ll want to use in Ubuntu are already in Ubuntu’s repositories. You can go search the internet for packages, or even source code, for others, but these will be more difficult to install and won’t, most of the time, integrate well with your system.

So now you know: no more endless searching looking for spyware infested shareware and freeware. The vast majority of useful software available for Linux is pre-packaged for you.

Adding the Universe and Multiverse Repositories

Navigate to System > Administration > Software Properties. You will have to enter your password here.

A list of repositories or Channels will be shown. Select Ubuntu 6.06 LTS (source) from the list (should be the first one), click Add…, select non-free (multiverse) and community maintained (universe) by clicking their check boxes. Now click the add button.

Click Close to save your changes. A dialog box should appear, asking whether you’d like to update the list of repositories. Click Reload to apply your changes.